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Bourke Kids - Ready Set Read BACK PAGE-27.jpg
Bourke Kids - Ready Set Read FRONT COVER-01.jpg

The purpose of this book is to assist parents and guardians to support the development of pre literacy skills.


At Pre-school your child is learning to: 
1. Identify letters of the alphabet.
2. Blend syllables to make words and segment words into syllables.
3. Identify and produce rhyme through the introduction of nursery
rhymes and songs.

4. Identify words in sentences.


We have tried to incorporate words and ideas that are common in our community which our children will be able to identify with as well as introducing them to new concepts.


Starting with the letter A, each letter is introduced separately, along with nursery rhymes, multisyllabic words that start with the letter, and an alliteration sentence.


We have included some of the 4 Year old class members names or  characters too, so look out for your child and their classmates.

Bourke and District Children’s Services have begun a new learning journey
incorporating one of the Traditional custodians’ Language.
These words can be found online and from the Ngemba/Ngiyampaa
The inclusion of these words has been supported by Elders of Bourke community,
Families and Parents.

Copyright © 2021 
Bourke and District Children’s Services
Connected Beginnings Project.


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced or used in any manner without written
permission of the copyright owner, except for the
use of brief quotations in a book review.


Pre-literacy Skills and Written Content by Kate Munro, Specialist Reading Teacher,
Advokate Educational Solutions.
Book Design, Website and Graphics by Laura Gillard Design.
Photos by Emma Stephens, Laura Gillard and from Vecteezy
licensed for use under a Pro License to Laura Gillard.
Videos featuring Charlotte Goadby, Bourke Preschool Early Childhood Teacher


First paperback edition November 2021

Website launch November 2021



Administration Office

9A Gorrell Avenue,

Bourke NSW 2840


Ph: 02 6872 3140



Tanya Mitchell - Project Director


Mobile: 0408 151 177




© 2020 Bourke and District Children's Services.


Website proudly created by Laura Gillard Design

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